Research Accounts

Faculty research accounts

Faculty research funds are allocated for immediate research needs and as a catalyst for future grant activity.

Research funds do not expire at the end of the year. Unspent money is carried forward for use in future years.

Choosing vendors

IU contract vendors are available for many goods and services that you might purchase with your research funds, and these vendors must be used whenever possible (with the exception of books). Please check with Lorna Butler before making research account purchases to determine whether a purchase can be made with a contract vendor.

Using non-contract vendors

You may purchase items from a non-preferred vendor in the following circumstances:

  • when purchasing books
  • when the item needed is not available from an IU contract vendor and costs less than $500

Otherwise, you must use a contract vendor. Equipment, furniture, advertising and any item that costs more than $500 must always be ordered through IU’s purchasing system. 

If you're purchasing from a non-contract vendor, you have two options:

If you're purchasing from Amazon, please work with Janet Laughlin or Lorna Butler to purchase items using our tax-exempt account.

If you need to purchase from a non-contract vendor other than Amazon, you will need to pay for the expense out of pocket and submit for reimbursement. Check with financial staff before purchasing items out of pocket to ensure the purchase can be reimbursed.

You must submit an original, itemized receipt that includes proof of payment within 60 days of the purchase in order for it to be processed as reimbursement of expenses. Receipts submitted between 61-120 days will be processed as taxable income and will be subject to withholding. After 120 days from date of purchase, no reimbursement can be issued.


For IT, production and research equipment purchases using research accounts, review the procedures for technology purchases.


You may use your research account to pay wages for student/temporary employees to assist you with research projects.

The employee must be hired and paid directly by IU. The hiring process must be completed before new employees may begin working. Lorna Butler will let you know when the process is complete.

Hourly employees are paid biweekly and record their hours on an electronic timesheet in Kuali Time. As a supervisor, you are required to review and approve the timesheet on a biweekly basis, even if the employee didn’t work any hours during the pay period.

Student/temporary employees may not work more than 29 hours per week, inclusive of all of their jobs at IU.


Contact Katie Higgins.