Journalism Unit policies on FTE transfers and “tie” affiliations
Voted on and approved by Journalism faculty on December 9, 2016
Voted on and approved by Journalism faculty on December 9, 2016
Faculty members who wish to transfer all or part of their FTE from another unit on the Bloomington campus to the Journalism unit within the Media School should follow the procedures outlined in the Media School Governance Documents (Section I.3).
Faculty members who wish to transfer all of their FTE to Journalism from another unit within The Media School should submit to the Dean of the Media School a letter of intent that outlines: (a.) the reasons for the transfer; (b.) what effect the transfer would have on the tenure or promotion home of the faculty member; and (c.) a statement outlining how the faculty member’s work aligns with the Journalism unit’s research, teaching (including a specific list of courses the faculty member is prepared to teach), and service mission.
A copy of the letter of intent, accompanied by a current CV, should go to the Journalism Chair while the Dean’s approval for the transfer is pending. The Chair will forward that information to the unit faculty. At the next regular meeting of the Journalism faculty, the faculty member seeking the transfer will give a brief talk on why the faculty member wants to transfer to Journalism. The Journalism faculty will then vote on whether to accept the transfer; a two-thirds majority vote in favor will constitute a recommendation. The Chair will then write a letter to the Media School Dean with a recommendation for acceptance or rejection of the transfer. The Media School Dean will make the final decision.
Faculty members in the Media School may designate a “tie” unit within the School (see Media School Governance Document Section I.4.2). The Media School Governance Document states that units within the School will determine the policies for admission to tie status and the continuation of that status.
The Journalism unit welcomes faculty members who wish to declare Journalism a tie unit. A faculty member who wishes to declare Journalism as a tie unit should first write a letter of intent to the Chair of the Journalism unit that outlines: (a.) the reasons for seeking the tie affiliation; and (b.) how the faculty member plans to contribute to the teaching, research and service missions of the Journalism unit, including willingness to serve on committees.
The Chair will forward the letter and a current CV to the unit faculty. At the next regular meeting of the Journalism faculty, the faculty member seeking the change in affiliation may choose to give a brief talk on why the faculty member wants to declare Journalism a “tie” unit. The Journalism faculty will then vote on whether to accept the tie affiliation; a two-thirds majority vote in favor will constitute an approval. The Chair will inform the Dean of the Media School and the Chair of the faculty member’s home unit about the decision.
Faculty with a tie affiliation with Journalism will be added to the Journalism faculty listserv. Tie affiliated faculty should make every effort to attend Journalism faculty meetings, and they may be asked to serve on one or more Journalism committees. Tie affiliated faculty will have voting rights on committees not related to annual and merit review, tenure and promotion and will be encouraged to consult with other Journalism faculty on policies and unit-related curriculum matters. They may be granted voting rights in other matters in their areas of expertise on a caseby-case basis if their votes are needed to make a decision. The Chair of Journalism will negotiate committee assignments after consulting with committee chairs in the unit. These arrangements should be formalized in a letter filed with both the faculty member and the Chair of Journalism.
If a faculty member with a “tie” affiliation to Journalism is not contributing constructively to the unit’s work as per the terms in the letter, any Journalism faculty member may bring this matter to the attention of the Chair of Journalism. The Chair will then bring this matter to the attention of the Journalism Faculty Advisory Committee. If the Committee, in consultation with the Chair, agrees that the faculty member is not contributing adequately to the unit’s mission or is disrupting it, the Committee may vote to discontinue the tie affiliation. If it does so, the Committee’s recommendation to discontinue the tie affiliation will go to the full faculty of the unit, which will vote on the matter. A two-thirds majority will be required to approve the discontinuation of tie affiliation.