Ratified 3/11/2021 (Revised 11/02/2023)
Administrative structure of the Cinema and Media Studies unit
The Unit director commonly serves a three-year term (term lengths vary based on negotiations with administration) and has duties that include but are not limited to:
- Overseeing the process of developing, maintaining and altering unit governance policies and procedures
- Mentoring tenure-track faculty members to ensure adequate progress toward tenure in compliance with Media School and unit policies on reappointment and review of non-tenured faculty
- Mentoring lecturers to ensure adequate progress towards senior lecturer status in compliance with Media School and unit policies on retention, evaluation, and promotion of NTT faculty
- Having individual meetings yearly with associate professors
- Overseeing the tenure and/or promotion process for unit faculty, including writing the director’s letters
- Nominating and writing letters of support for unit faculty applications for fellowships and other honors and monetary awards when required
- Working with faculty to develop appropriate CMS unit committees and populate those committees
- Meeting regularly with other unit directors in the School and with the School Dean, School Associate Dean and directors to develop shared programs of study and research and to ensure that the units are not duplicating efforts
- Overseeing unit merit review process and making recommendations to the dean for salary raises
- Handling unit-specific inquiries from upper administration
Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee is elected to two-year terms by the unit faculty and consists of two members of the unit faculty, at least one of whom is tenured. The terms are staggered and nobody can serve two consecutive terms. The responsibilities of the committee are as follows:
- to serve as an independent advisory body to the director on strategic planning, other matters of unit administration and faculty governance, and any situations for which the unit director requires advice
- to serve as a liaison between the faculty and the director for the purpose of communicating and resolving faculty grievances or other matters of faculty concern
- to serve faculty on sensitive issues: any faculty member may request a meeting of the advisory committee.
Diversity Committee
- Members of this committee shall include two representatives from each Unit, appointed by the Unit director. Appointments may be in consultation with the Advisory Committee and will be mindful of a faculty member's existing service responsibilities to the unit and School. The Associate Dean will serve as an ex-officio member and will ensure administrative support to achieve the committee’s objectives.
- The charge of this committee is to: meet at least once per semester and report to the Media School faculty at least annually; establish quantitative and qualitative measures that indicate the success of the Media School’s diversity efforts; act as a liaison for coordination with diversity committees and officers in other schools and units on the Bloomington campus; serve as a resource for faculty, staff, and students to offer suggestions or share concerns about diversity issues; solicit, at least annually, input from faculty, staff, and students on diversity matters; work with Media School administration and relevant campus offices to establish a process and platform for submission of sensitive and/or confidential concerns; work with Media School administration and relevant campus officers during its first year to conduct a survey to assess perceptions among faculty, staff, and students about the School’s climate with regard to diversity and inclusion; draft a plan within a year after the climate assessment to address diversity issues as they pertain to Media School staff and students.
Faculty Advisory Board Members
- Effective Spring 2015, the Media School constituted a permanent Faculty Advisory Board (FAB), replacing the interim FAB board. The FAB will meet twice each semester with the Dean and on other occasions as needed. CMS elects two members to serve on the FAB. Members serve a three-year term. Ideally terms of service ought to be staggered when possible.
- The FAB shall: Formulate and approve strategic direction and goals of the School; Advise the School Dean on major budgetary allocations in the School (by subcommittee); Communicate to the School and College Deans faculty concerns in the School; Apprise the School Dean of collaborative initiatives between units in the School; Serve as liaison with the External Board of the School (representative selected among elected members of FAB); Serve as the School’s policy committee; Provide advice on Media School Dean searches; Review and vote on a unit’s recommendation for reappointment or promotion in cases where a unit consists of fewer than 60% tenured or tenure track faculty. The FAB’s recommendation will then be submitted to the Media School Dean.
Graduate Committee Members
- Members of this committee shall include: Director of Graduate Studies; two members from each unit, one appointed by the unit director and one elected by the unit faculty; and one non-voting graduate student representative elected by graduate students. Appointments may be in consultation with the Advisory Committee and will be mindful of a faculty member's existing service responsibilities to the unit and School.
- The charge of this committee is to coordinate and administer graduate degree programs. This includes: graduate student admissions; resource allocation for graduate student assistantships and fellowships; graduate degrees and curriculum modifications; graduate program promotion; and graduate student orientation. This committee will recommend graduate program policies and procedures to the deans and will work in consultation with the School’s Curriculum Committee.
Merit Review Committee
- The primary responsibility of the Merit Review Committee is to evaluate faculty and make recommendations to the Deans on annual merit salary increases according to the procedures outlined in the merit review policy.
- The Merit Review Committee consists of at least three members of the unit who are appointed by the unit director. The unit director will attend committee meetings if deemed necessary by the merit review committee.
- Members of the merit committee serve two-terms.
- The Merit Review Committee elects its own chair.
- Materials for annual merit reviews may include the following: each faculty member’s DMAI or an equivalent document based on the calendar year, C.V., copies of published works, student evaluations (if requested), additional supplemental materials, including, course syllabi, that each faculty member wishes to include.
- The chair of the Merit Review Committee sends the final committee report to the Deans.
Research and Creative Activity Committee
- Members of this committee shall include: Director of Research and Creative Activity and one faculty member from each unit. The Director of CMS is responsible for the appointment of a unit representative to serve on the Research and Creative Activity Committee. Appointments may be in consultation with the Advisory Committee and will be mindful of a faculty member's existing service responsibilities to the unit and School.
- The charge of this committee is to: support faculty and student research and creative activities; identify and facilitate funding opportunities; evaluate faculty proposals for Media School funding; promote lectures, workshops and colloquia; identify potential partners for collaboration outside the School and the University.
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
- Members of this committee shall include: Director of Undergraduate Studies; at least one (1) full-time faculty member from each academic unit, and six (6) total (each appointed by the Media School’s Director of Undergraduate Studies in consultation with unit directors); the undergraduate scheduling officer; and a representative from academic advising appointed by the Associate Dean. The Director of Graduate Studies and the Director of Student Services should be invited on an annual basis to act as non-voting ex-officio members who may be asked to provide counsel on matters related to graduate education and undergraduate student relations, respectively.
- The Director of CMS is responsible for the appointment of a unit representative to serve on the Undergraduate Committee. Appointments may be in consultation with the Advisory Committee and will be mindful of a faculty member's existing service responsibilities to the unit and School.
- The charge of this committee is to: work with curriculum committees and faculty across the school’s degree, concentration, certificate, and minor tracks to coordinate curricular specifications and requirements; propose, debate, and approve curricular modifications and additions within existing Media School degrees for consideration by the College Undergraduate Curriculum, Policy, and Records Office; evaluate and approve proposals for new and modified courses under the aegis of the Media School; work with internal and external stakeholders to craft proposals for new degree programs for consideration by the Faculty Advisory Board; undertake periodic evaluations of undergraduate courses to ensure that learning objectives and course structures meet Media School degree guidelines and expectations; recommend to the deans policies and procedures regarding undergraduate programs and online initiatives; and consult with the school’s Graduate Committee when appropriate.
- The CMS unit elects two members of the tenure-track or non-tenure-track faculty to serve on the Faculty Advisory Board. These members generally serve staggered 3-year terms. FAB members will be elected when necessary from the members of the unit. The director will call for nominations from the faculty and conduct a vote amongst them. The highest vote getters who agree to serve will be elected.
- The unit director appoints two members of the tenured or tenure-track faculty to serve on the Graduate Committee. Terms are 3-years.
- The unit director appoints one member of faculty (TT or NTT) to serve on the Undergraduate Committee. Terms are 3-years.
- The unit director appoints one member of the tenured or tenure-track faculty to serve on the Research and Creative Activity Committee. Terms are 3-years.
- The unit director appoints two members of faculty (TT or NTT) to serve on the Diversity Committee. Terms are 3-years.
*Note: director appointments are based upon faculty availability and will be mindful of a member of faculty's existing service to the unit and School.
Other committees may be appointed by the director or by the faculty to deal with special issues or concerns.